French Version
*12 ECU Contact
*Mon Info
*En cas durgence - Carte
*Modifié ECU étiquettes
Application Description:
In Case of Emergency, ICE Card Medical
***** In case of emergency (ICE) is a program that enables first responders, such as paramedics, firefighters, and police officers, to identify victims and contact their next of kin to obtain important medical information
***** Police & FIRE Rescuers always suggest you to hold printed ICE Contacts in your wallet/purse using a printed paper or by writing it in a piece of paper card.
The popularity of the program has spread across Europe and Australia, and has started to grow into North America.
**** It is a normal practice for Police, Fire & Paramedic personals to call the phone owners near & dear relations in case of emergencies.
*** In Emergency Situations, your senses never work, but your iPhone can help you.
Reviews by users :
+ This application helped an Orphanage Administrator to prepare/print ICE cards for 16 Students with single iPhone.
+ Great Job
+ Everyones should have this app
+ A must app on the first Screen
+ Alle muss haben!
+ Tres Bone!
As an iPhone owner you are very proud to have this device in hand, but still as a Phone owner you need to hold or feed down own your ICE contacts inside your contacts book, to get help in case of emergencies.
Though you have favorites & contacts book, On emergency situation, most realize that none of your senses work and you become nervous!!!
In order prepare yourself to make quick calls to your closed relations or to the State rescue departments suggest you to hold ICE Contacts in your Contacts list.
iPhone being one step ahead on the technology and applications front, you can create your ICE app and place your icon on the first page of your iPhone Home screen.
This is a full version,you can 12 customized contacts, additionally featured to design your ICE card for you & your family.
Which means you can create your Laminated Card to hold it in the wallet,also make the Photo ID cards for your family, friends & kids.
This application has already been sold to Tens of thousand iPhone owners worldwide.
Silent Advantages of our ICE free & Paid applications
* Set your Customized ICE labels
* Contacts can be selected from iPhone contacts book
* Optionally you can set the name & number, health info by entering it manually
* Use "Label" button to set your my Info
* Use Number button to set your ICE Contact Numbers
***** For Effective of this application place the ICON as first on the First Page in order to identify by rescue personals
Features :
- Set 12 ICE Contacts
- Customize your ICE headings
- Set My Info Details
- Print ICE card for you and your
- My Info Information like Address
BG, DOB, Health , Photo & Organ
donor status can be set
- ICE1, ICE2, ICE3 & Doctors contact
name & numbers for ICE card are
automatically collected from your
ICE database.
- Use Labels button to Edit My Info
- Use Numebrs button to Edit ICE
Also by using iPhone Settings application.
Default Police & Fire contacts are set to "911".